get to know ozuree

Ozuree was born from the minds of two small-town sisters who always had a yearning to explore art and culture but felt disconnected from mainstream media. Ozuree is a journey— ours and yours— to discover stories that go overlooked, listen to voices that need to be heard, and enjoy visual and literary arts in a thoughtful and creative way.

We’re glad you’re here. Here’s how you can keep getting to know us:

  1. Read online or check out our photo galleries

  2. Subscribe to our newsletter

  3. Subscribe to our YouTube to enjoy Studio Ozuree original productions and other fun content

  4. Contribute! If you are a writer, we would love to hear your ideas and publish your words. Contact us and let us know what you’d like to write about.

  5. Get in the spotlight if you are an artist, entrepreneur, activist, or anyone doing anything you want to share with a new audience, reach out to us and we’ll set up an interview or even a photoshoot or video feature. We live to get behind our cameras and make art to tell a story.

  6. Partner/Advertise if you are a business owner or brand who would like to occupy space in our publication, let’s talk!


OZ + U + REE

OZ. Inspired by none other than the land of Oz (heads up, we’re fans of literary references). Maybe we’ll dive into the scandalous legacy of the film in the weekly letter sometime, but for now, we’re just referring to the idea of a magical realm that offers adventure and excitement and where the fulfillment of dreams is possible. Oz is a place that is, at times frightening, fantastical, and provides at once an escape from reality and a journey of self discovery. 

REE: In reference to “the ordinary,” in Dorothy’s case, a dull and colorless Kansas. Often mundane and ordinary, but also a place that can provide comfort and familiarity. For us, it symbolizes a starting point. Every transition begins with a state of reality that one feels inspired or determined to change, leave, or grow from. 

U: Here’s where it gets exciting. between these two places is you. Or, rather, us. Because Ozuree exists by the notion that we are together somewhere between where we are and where we want to be. The beauty of "The Wizard of Oz," and why we are intrigued by the concept, is its ability to offer multiple layers of meaning, allowing the audience to find significance that resonates with them personally. As a media company founded by artists, it was very important for us to incorporate this spirit of personal thought and exploration into the very fiber of our name. We reject the idea that we have to do things the way they’ve always been done, and will never fail to challenge ideas and systems that distract us from the work of discovering the possibilities that come from truly being engaged with ourselves and the world. We will inhabit the space between where we are and where we want to be, reveling in curiosity and good rebellion as we carve out our own path along the way. Yo(U) are an important piece to our puzzle.

There’s no place like home, and we hope you find one here with us. 


sister duo: claudia and Crosslyn Lusk