“Be.” is inspired by the women who have blazed trails, broken glass ceilings, conquered industries, and defied stereotypes at every turn, despite, or better, in the face of the many labels that were placed on them in different areas of life. “Be.” is inspired by the notion that women do not have to conform to any singular mold, or adopt any one idea of what it means to be a woman or “act like a lady.” “Be.” is inspired by the women who have said “screw it” to social norms and expectations by media, men, and any other source telling them to walk the line of “be [this] but not [that].” It is an ode to the women who have laid the foundation, and a call to action for those of us who might need to be reminded that you can shed every single label, and simply be.

Part of the messaging for this shoot was inspired by Camille Rainville’s “Be a Lady They Said, which you can read here.




C by C: Rocky Shores